Tosta de batata doce
Para quem não gosta de pão, anda a evitar, ou até quer uma alternativa diferente, a batata doce pode muito bem substituí-lo quando...
Piña Collada smoothie
Sim, eu sei que acabámos de entrar em Outubro, mês oficial de Outono. Mas, para não variar, é um dos meus meses preferidos para fazer...
The ultimate pregnancy smoothie / O melhor smoothie para grávidas
Although I'm taking my pre-natal vitamins every single day, I know that those aren't enough to nourish both (mine and baby's) bodies,...
Gluten-free fat muffin!
Ingredientes (10 muffins) 3 bananas bem maduras 1 chávena de farinha de coco 1/4 de chávena de farinha de noz( ou outra oleaginosa) 3...
Strawberry protein smoothie bowl
Hey hey hey!!! Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season enjoying every moment with your family and friends! I must...
Eat Fat get Thin!
This has been my number one go-to smoothie bowl breakfast (recipe down below) As probably some of you already know, I've been adopting a...
Beautiful Breakfast!
It is obvious that a foodie/food photographer/recipe developer and everything food related enthusiast like me is kind of addicted to...
Smoothie bowl for glowing skin!
You probably noticed my smoothie bowl addiction already. But, since is still Summer I cannot blame myself and, seriously, for the first...
Vegan smoothie bowl!
I absolutely love smoothie bowls in the summer, and this one is one of my all time favourites! So quick and so yummy you will definitely...
Top 5 Protein packed breakfasts
Egg white omelette (cooked with a pinch of pink salt and no oil) Multi grain toast Spinach salad with balsamic vinegar 2% fat greek...