Tosta de batata doce
Para quem não gosta de pão, anda a evitar, ou até quer uma alternativa diferente, a batata doce pode muito bem substituí-lo quando...
Piña Collada smoothie
Sim, eu sei que acabámos de entrar em Outubro, mês oficial de Outono. Mas, para não variar, é um dos meus meses preferidos para fazer...
Panquecas Verdes (vegan&gluten free)
Criei esta receita em conjunto com o site Vida Saudável Jumbo e fiquei de tal maneira apaixonada pelo resultado que não resisti a colocar...
The ultimate pregnancy smoothie / O melhor smoothie para grávidas
Although I'm taking my pre-natal vitamins every single day, I know that those aren't enough to nourish both (mine and baby's) bodies,...
Gluten-free fat muffin!
Ingredientes (10 muffins) 3 bananas bem maduras 1 chávena de farinha de coco 1/4 de chávena de farinha de noz( ou outra oleaginosa) 3...
Chocolate mousse (Vegan + GF)
I usually eat this at night. As a dessert or even as a late night snack. don't have many words to describe it. Just try it at home and...
Spicy Kale chips!
Ok. I really think I am getting addicted on this and, seriously, I'm not joking, this is probably the easiest, most delicious and totally...
Mango lime sorbet!
It's fall already, and I can't believe this year is coming to an end. It passed in a blink of an eye, and probably because of the...
2 min pre-workout snack!
I love everything about a super quick snack, specially when I don't have any time to eat a proper pre-workout meal. So, what do I look...
Protein vegan snack
Every single day we are advised that, in order to have better results in our workouts, it is absolutely mandatory to give our daily...